In essence, a residential program is a competitive preparatory institution, where students and teachers live and study together in a safe and secure campus environment. In other ways, however, you will find residential program is strictly unique. Living in a residential program leads to learning that is just as (or more) valuable than the education you get strictly in a classroom.

Residential Program Will Develop Your Child

Residential Program has an outstanding tradition of academic excellence, built on an educational model that delivers diverse curricula, taught by highly qualified and exceptionally motivated teachers, in small classes that encourage meaningful interaction with the students. Ninety percent of residential students said in a recent survey that they felt challenged academically. Official figures back it up. Residential program students spend more than twice as many hours a week (35 to 56) on homework than their peers non residential program.

Learning Continues Beyond The Classroom

At residential program, learning extends beyond the classroom. Because staff and students live together, students benefit from countless "teachable moments" inside and outside of the classroom.

Residential Students Discover Self-reliance

It's never easy to leave the nest but one will learn how to cope with life and all its many high and low points in a community of your peers who are going through the same things you are. All of this is happening under the watchful eye of your teachers who are mentors, not baby-sitters. Residential environments can range in character from arts-focused to militarily-oriented, but almost always feature a student body composed of young people from a diversity of backgrounds. At residential program, students are empowered to achieve their true potential and enjoy a measure of real independence. Because they are not living at home, they are required to learn how to live with, trust, and respect their peers in an environment of "controlled freedom".

Residential Students Lead Exceptional Lives

Taking a lot of little steps towards maturity is one of the intangibles of going to residential program. You have to learn to get along with others because it is a community. You learn to be responsible for your actions because you are bound by an honor or discipline code of some kind. The lessons in life learned in residential program will lay a solid foundation for adulthood. Residential program also offer the priceless gift of preparing young people for future success. The academic rigor and the training in negotiating the responsibilities of independence set residential students on a path to prosperity-professionally, socially, and culturally. For Parents: This roughly translates to increased maturity, greater self - sufficiency and superior preparation for competitive world.


The foremost function that is performed by a residential program is providing discipline and a sense of punctuality. Residential Program function on strict timetables and children are required to be punctual for all classes including academic and extracurricular ones.

Teacher Guidance

Residential Program have limited number of children in hostel room and each class room. This enables teachers to be able to concentrate on each individual student and any student who is lagging behind can be given the appropriate guidance. Moreover, students can also interact with the teachers and approaching them is easy as they are available on campus throughout the day.

Fewer Disctractions

Residential Program offer fewer distractions to the children as they are kept well away from the life of the urban areas. Residential Program are generally situated outside the city or in a remote place and students do not have the opportunity to involve themselves in any harmful activities or habits. Due to fewer distractions children will be able to concentrate more on studies and other activities.